Time's Up - Joan : Miracle Club Online
The Miracle Chase
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Time's Up - Joan

by Miracle Chasers on 01/21/18

           Maybe it's because as a girl from Boston, I married a guy from Colorado and instead of some far more erudite movie, a favorite of mine has always been City Slickers. Something about Jack Palance's crusty character, Curly, as he curtly explains to a troubled Mitch (Billy Crystal), that the secret of life is about one thing. The fact that no one can tell you what your one thing is, that you have to find it for yourself, speaks to me. Probably it's because for a long time, like Mitch, I too had a problem figuring out what my one thing really was. In writing The Miracle Chase, we came to realize our one thing that allowed our three diverse personalities to work together was Generosity of Spirit. We found that it doesn't happen overnight, or just because you want it to; Generosity of Spirit happens once we allow ourselves to experience a new perspective, free from judgment.  

          As imperfect beings we all have prejudices and thoughts of how the world should look, or act, or be, and yet, sometimes things or people are not what they seem. My recent experience with a hulking cab driver in an unfamiliar city was one such occasion. Admittedly I was nervous to even get in, as the driver saw me struggling with my unwieldy suitcase and did nothing to offer assistance. I was surprised as our conversation ensued, monosyllabically at first before expanding into a deep and meaningful one, and a connection was forged. It was a connection of understanding, of hope and of goodwill. To get there, my perspective had to change, and so did his. By the time we reached the airport, some hour later, not only did I get my suitcase taken out of the trunk, but I also got a warm embrace. It was an opportunity (or more honestly, one of those 2x4 upside the head moments) that reminded me of the importance of taking the time to understand our differences and to find common ground in spite of them.

          Miracles live in this land of in-between, often we don't see them as our vision is clouded by our inability to change our perspective. Consider the Müller-Lyer illusion, where the lines are the same length, though most us us will disagree as one for sure looks to be longer. We know we often see things differently than others, but it takes courage to step outside of our comfort zone and consider situations in a new way. 

          It also takes courage to announce that change publicly. We certainly experienced concern as we went public with our miracle experiences. In the same vein, I think courage is behind the #MeToo comments of so many that has served to change the paradigm of sexism by not only bringing it into the open, but setting a new standard of acceptability in interactions. After so many years and so many stories this could be its very own miracle unfolding right before our very eyes. 

          Maybe with renewed Miracle Courage, we can find our way to consider new perspectives and spread the Generosity of Spirit that we need this 2018. So rather than the usual New Year's Resolutions aimed at healthy living, I'm going to take it up a notch. In place of preconceived notions, I will try to see both the old woman and the young, and instead of jumping to

conclusions or making snap assumptions, I will use Miracle Courage to build bridges of understanding, of openness and spread Generosity of Spirit. Now, that would be a great #MeAndYou movement to share.

Comments (1)

1. Kim D said on 1/21/18 - 09:57AM
Great lesson for the new year, you wove so many things into it, thank you!

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There was Magic in the Air at the Massachusetts Conference for Women - December 8, 2011
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