True Colors - Katie
by Miracle Chasers on 01/26/20
Toddlers have an amazing knack for being exactly who they are. After a recent trip to Denver to visit two of my grandsons, I was reminded of how refreshing it is to see little people with such pureness of being. They love with abandon and live in the moment, unspoiled by what people think and unconcerned about what it means to fit in. On the morning we left, three-year-old Shiloh sang along to True Colors for us, the version from the 2016 movie Trolls, especially belting out "that's why I love you." This did not make leaving any easier, especially after he subsequently decided I needed to stay for twenty years, an eternity to a three-year old.
2020 seems as good a time as any to bring clarity to our true colors. For me and I guess most of us, it is a life-long challenge to hone in on who we really are, what we really think, and then find the courage to show ourselves in living color. New Year's resolutions tend to pinpoint what we want - to be thinner, healthier, or learn a new skill - as opposed to sharpening the color on what we already have within us, the God-given gifts we get to share with the world. Maybe that's why, with resolutions, by the end of the first month, our good intentions lag, many times they don't originate from a deep sense of who we are. Fortunately, we cannot escape ourselves, our own true colors, because what we have to offer is unique and important to the whole.
We each share much in common with that whole, as we all strive to be happy and healthy, engaged and connected, loved and respected. If we are here for a reason, and even if we are not, why not take our uniqueness out for a spin, under the umbrella of our commonality, so that our true colors expand and enhance the canvas of the world to the best of our abilities and gifts? There are always ways to improve how the billions of little pieces fit together and complete the puzzle of humanity. That's where your true colors come in. To recognize from the 10,000,000 discernible colors that exist, which combination has your name of it and place it just so in your teensy corner of the world. No matter who we are, we can choose to be kind and make a difference in our own small corner, and with our own flare. When it meets up with others with like-minded intentions, it's where the energy that powers the good in humanity comes from. And I personally believe, given half a chance, humanity is more good than not. What we want for ourselves, we also want for our fellow humans. Three-year olds haven't figured that part out yet.